
Gucci serial number 163804 3260
Gucci serial number 163804 3260

gucci serial number 163804 3260 gucci serial number 163804 3260

#Gucci serial number 163804 3260 serial numbers#

Gucci serial numbers are found on many of the company’s products, including their handbags, wallets, and shoes. To check the serial numbers, search for a tag attached to the product that has the serial numbers listed. Inquiries about Gucci website or online purchases Phone Our Client Advisors are available Monday through Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00PM (EST) and Sunday, 10:00AM - 9:00PM (EST), excluding holidays. The item is available in one of our stores in Paris - Second hand item guaranteed authentic. Examining the serial numbers on the item is one way to verify that it’s the real deal. Attention: Although, the official application deadline has passed, we are still accepting applications. For women's shoes, the serial should be found on the sole just above the sizing. With sneakers, the serial is typically found at the heel of the lining. (First published on July 22, 2018) After the Gucci Soho Disco bag, this section of BAGAHOLIC 101’s “Ultimate Gucci Guide” presents the most popular offering from Alessandro Michele since he took the helm at Gucci. Brand: Gucci Model: - Color: Bicolor Material: Canvas Dimensions: 22 x 17 x 7 cm Serial number: NA Inclusions: Dust Bag Country of origin: Italy Retail. Hello, I have purchased two purses from the Gucci boutique, and they both have different serial number patterns. CornerLuxe, the retail store specialized in sac a main gucci hobo 163804. Check The Serial Number Authentic Gucci's have a serial number which should consist of two things: a six-digit style number and the sizing (eight numbers in total).

Gucci serial number 163804 3260